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Beyond the Diagnosis unites art and science to bridge the knowledge gap in healthcare, promote inclusivity, and raise awareness for children living with life-altering diseases.

March 18th Trisomy 5 Artist: Anat Ronen

March 21st ADCY5 Artist: Jota Leal

March 26th Landau Kleffner Syndrome Artist: Nancy Gaucher Thomas

March 18th Trisomy 5 Artist: Anat Ronen
The following conditions have awareness days in March: Trisomy 5, ADCY5, & Landau Kleffner Syndrome

All funding to support our Beyond the Diagnosis art exhibit comes from corporate or private patrons. Please consider supporting this incredible project with a donation.
Beyond the Diagnosis is a registered 501(c)3,
Tax ID#45-3231740.
Click to donate now!

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